Monday, February 21, 2011

Jing Jing say Tank Chiuuu ~

Going through my FaceBook wall....
I really appreciate your help.
I clicked and clicked and I randomly picked.
Thank you for clicking so much for me!!

I got a little appreciation for these ppls here......

Thank you so much !!!
1) Jason Heang
2) Yvonne Siew
3) Ois Henry
4) Liaw Siaw Yee
5) Fern Hee
6) Jia Chi Zai
7) Kaier Yap
8) Cynn Lim
9) Tiramisu Neoh
10) Ariel Lew
11) Kim Garcia
12) Brandon Yap
13) Hippy Pang
14) Kazuki Ishi Bashi
15) Gan Lee Theng

I was wondering which one you guys prefer?
a) KFC or
b) Starbucks

Please send me your details
Name, Contact and Address.
to ryejoe (at)
Subject : Claim KFC or Starbucks

I'll follow majority's decision then send the voucher over ;).
Thank yew once again ~
Without you guys, I'm no where ~~ ^^||

But but... wei wei...
Don't take too long to send over your details la ya.
Latest 13th March 2011 , OK ?
Sang sang mang mang, Good numbers !!

Do aware what else I'll give out at my Ryejoe FanPage har.
Love yew guys ~~~ * muacKKss *



Jasmine said...

Ah.. my name is not in your list, but I like Starbucks! :)

Jing Jing said...

Those are my friends help me on my previous contest ^^.